2 thoughts on “RedHat Brno

  1. This is the most reputable Linux company with a billion dollar turnover. Stock exchanges and various blue chip companies run on Red Hat OS.

    Some of the best known gurus eithher work for or have worked for Red Hat at some point., including some of the original GTK developers.

    The R&D center in Brno is the Red Hat\s largest and employs about 600 engineers from all over the world. The company invests heavily in the Brno site and has just opened a second high-tech builing. Thanks to the highly skilled local engineers and great graduates from VUT and MU, also many engineers from abroard move to Brno because of the company’s high reputation.

    Benefits and employee support are trend-setting and satisfaction is very high. Due to Red Hat’s commitment to Brno, the city has become a hotbed for Linux development and atrackts many leaading conferences as last year’s Ruby converence or this year’s GUADEC conference.

    1. Really ? Real gurus never going from poor countries to another poor country.
      The real guru not working in low cost centers .
      Real guru salary is not 40k , but over 120k
      Seems you living in some non existing world, or you just working as HR in this low cost company ..

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